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seoul towel

zmhk 2024-04-28 人已围观

简介seoul towel       随着科技的发展,seoul towel的今日更新也在不断地推陈出新。今天,我将为大家详细介绍它的今日更新,让我们一起了解它的最新技术。1.英语小短文及翻译3篇英语小短文及翻译3篇&n

seoul towel

       随着科技的发展,seoul towel的今日更新也在不断地推陈出新。今天,我将为大家详细介绍它的今日更新,让我们一起了解它的最新技术。


seoul towel



英语小短文及翻译:Convenience Store-Shopping-Sunday


        Convenience stores are convenient,as you can tell from the name.There are two near my home.One is very close;I can just walk there,but it is small.


        The other one is bigger,with more items and choices,but it is farther.I need to ride my bike to get tothat one.


        I usually go to convenience stores to buy drinks,snacks,or newspapers.When I am hungry at night,I go to the closer one to buy something to eat.


        Sometimes I buy a bottle of milk and a sandwich;other times I buy a small bag of cookies and a can of diet coke.


英语小短文及翻译:School infirmary-Health-Friday


        I was not feeling well on Friday,but I still went to school anyway.I made it through the first three classes,but then my illness started to take over.


        My teacher asked me if I needed to go to the infirmary,so I went.On my way to the infirmary,I almost could not hang on to myself.


        When I finally made it there,the nurse told me to lie down on the bed.She told me that I had caught the flu,and gave me some medicine to take.


        I felt sleepy after I took the medicine,so I slept for a while.Afterwards,the nurse woke me up.She said it was lunchtime and that I should go eat now.


英语小短文及翻译:Taking a Bus-Vacation-Holiday


        My family and I went to Honolulu,Hawaii during summer vacation.Honolulu is on a small island in the North Pacific Ocean.


        We took a special kind of tour bus called the"trolley"to different tourist spots.It has a one-ticket system where you can get off at any stop.look around,then get on the incoming trolley to the next stop.


        We went to the duty free shops.China Town,and a large shopping center.There were many things on the route,like famous name-brand shops,restaurants,and convenience stores.


        We met people from many places around the world,such as Beijing,Shanghai,Hong Kong,Seoul,Osaka,Tokyo,and Taipei.It was a very nice stay there in Honolulu.




        I usually take a shower right after I get out of my bed in the morning;it wakes me up right waay.


        Instead of soap,I use shower gel to clean my body.For hair,I use some scented mild shampoo and conditioner.After I am done,I dry myself off with a big towel,put my clothes on,and then I am ready for the day.


        At the end of the day,I like to take a warm bath with some soothing bath oil,which makes the bath more comfortable.


        My favorite music would be playing in the backgroud while I lie in the bathtub.I take my time;the bath often lasts twenty to thirty minutes.After that,I will fix up dinner and watch television,enjoying the rest of the night.


       For love MaShi global art director Pierre - Alexis Dumas, it encounters perfect corroborated the love MaShi persistent pursuit: "art and love MaShi classical handicraft collision opened a brilliant dialogue. Also because of this, our brand was able to bring forth the creates all novel way of expressing, in adhering to the traditional handicraft industry, and meanwhile to move forward MaShi development. Love is still a vigorous business, we are willing to do all sorts of adventure, challenge the limit, and constantly advance with The Times to reinvent yourself." It is this development concept to the two world linkage - love MaShi world and Daniel - of zebulun world -- and a unique piece by 365 thing ", entitled "the hood of the memorial according to" scarf series was born.

       Love MaShi and Daniel van buren linkage of this road link is about a period of rich and long-term cooperation history: the artist before this is twice MaShi together with love. In 2000, love MaShi in Brussels designed for contemporary art opened up a place called La Verriere display space. In the famous curator Alice Morgaine invitation,Tiffany Charms, Daniel van buren for this exhibition space to unveil. Six years later, located in Seoul, South Korea hill road park love MaShi gallery completed, love MaShi 2 degrees invite Daniel van buren,true religion bootcut, by him for the art exhibition hall of the ceremony for creative design - so there will be a "color filter" (Filtres colores) this device works of art. Two segments of "cooperation on memorial towel according to" series has some effect.

       Daniel van buren offer from thousands of zhang "commemorate according to" selected part, printed on various love MaShi silk scarves, make each silk scarf become unique works. "Commemorative souvenirs as" (photo - the name from Daniel - of zebulun invention and marries him since the early 1950s collected from tens of thousands of photo - he says these pictures "natural exquisite, no pretensions" (" Les crits ", 1988)) - both contains his own work, also contains the travel around the world in his photographs.

       This project from the selection of 22 picture memorial, some of which shows as Daniel van buren for south Korean hill road park love MaShi gallery design decorative arts. Others are the artist in travel around the world when photographs, not only have a standard ostentatious streets, buildings corner or sidewalk geometrical design; Also has the Mediterranean Sea fishing port, gorgeous sunset, delicate and charming flowers, or baroque dome above golden clouds.

       Based on this, and 22 new commemorative as for each photo collocation 2 to 4 picture frame design, and 18 add box effect, love MaShi already held today launched 365 of original silk scarves. Daniel van buren with a "vision" tools for these photos plus box. Since 1965, this kind "visual tools" has become the artist's personality tags, but also he created another concept of art - 8.7 centimeters wide white and color vertical stripes (here have shamrock, dark blue, yellow, black, orange, powder, red, green and purple) each other alternate with. Chromatic stripe border become this series of silk scarves mutual design, become a kind of connection, and reveal their different.

       In order to send the photos printed at silk fabric,ugg classic short boots, love to MaShi inkjet printing and dyeing method adopted, because this kind of printing and dyeing methods can complete endless colour effect appear, and traditional screen printing and dyeing technology can take on the color selection is relatively limited. Using this method and dyeing out photo style is decorous, dripping wet show colour the subtle changes, exquisite picturesque. The original image and silk of warm temperament, appear gently gently beautifulness, both bring out the best in each other.

       Although darnell bren is "love MaShi publication" (Hermes diteur) series of this creation can be called art 365 picture scarves jiatong, but the artist but more hope remind us that his design original intention is to make these filar towel around in collar, vertical can on his shoulders, for people wearing or optional rub. He said: "although they like painting as are unique in the works,Discount new balance, but not to hang on the wall, but let people daily wear." The artist would have their own works from the box of painting liberate, so for him, will these silk used for everyday wear,mbt sneakers, not only won't weaken and deprived of one of the artistic connotation, but for his art claim extends to the broader public domain.

       "The memorial towel according to" series will be held on October 20 in since MaShi stores in several love public offerings, also will be in love with together MaShi Xavier Barral publishing company jointly made an exquisite books.

       In Paris international contemporary art exposition (FIAC) exhibition weeks, Mennour Kamel La Monnaie Paris art galleries and museums in La coque will jointly Monnaie Paris museum "towel on memorial according to" series of works. Display date for the 2010 October 20 - November 7th.

       La Monnaie DE Paris museum is exhibited this series of works of ideal place. The museum we demonstrate the traditional process,true religion sales, also open the door to the contemporary artists. 2009, Daniel van buren also worked in the museum held a campaign entitled "green cane frame - work site" (2006-2009 Pergola - travail situe 2006-2009) of the exhibition.

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