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Seoul my soul什么意思_1
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2.bigbang 英文专辑的所有歌词?
官方艺名:泽演 中文名字:玉泽演 韩国姓名:? 韩语读法:Oak TaecYeon 新浪微博:2PM泽演 出生日期:1988.12.27 昵称:玉代理、玉猫(最喜欢的外号)猫猫、宇宙美男、宇宙偶吧、老公Idol、大力泽演、油腻泽演、油腻王子、野兽泽演、时尚恐怖分子、人体信号灯、玉万元、玉野兽、 队内担当:rap 野兽担当
玉泽演(9张) 性别:男 身高:186cm 体重:81KG (《2PM SHOW》E11中 本人亲自说的) 血型:AB型 星座:摩羯座 家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、姐姐 兴趣:打发时间 宗教:基督教 练习时间:约两年零六个月 JYP入社时间:2006年(2006年Superstar Survival) 擅长语言:韩语、英语、西班牙语、汉语、日语 学历:檀国大学 金融系 在读 出生地:首尔 童年居住地:釜山 成长地:美国波士顿(12岁移民到那里) 喜欢的颜色:绿色原色系都喜欢 喜欢的食物:都喜欢 喜欢的水果:苹果 喜欢的数字:3 喜欢的牛奶:咖啡牛奶 初恋是什麼时候:高三 (但在“甜蜜的故乡”110701期中,被爆料初恋是在小学四年级,还偷偷赠送妈妈的结婚戒指) 将来的愿望:演员,歌手,副业是开一家小的咖啡厅 脚的尺寸:285 经常去的地方:公司,宿舍 爸爸妈妈中喜欢谁:喜欢妈妈,尊重的是爸爸 喜欢的艺人:RAIN、韩石奎、安胜基、河智苑、Jennifer Aniston 现在最烦恼的事情:做好演出 最想去的地方:没有、家里最好 起床时间:最近因为放假12点(不定) 喜欢的节目:最近不看电视 最幸福的时刻:喜欢的人发来短信 最烦的时候:事情太多,需要自己一个人的时候 最差的分数:0分,有可能啊
玉泽演三星活动现场(10张) 最不喜欢吃的:生姜、很酸的食物 亲近的艺人:2PM、2AM、Wonder girls、孙佳仁(Brown Eyed Girls)、含恩静(t-ara)温流、珉豪(SHINee)、艺声(Super Junior)、Miss A等、允儿、jessica、tiffany(少女时代)。 ——自己做得很好,又能照顾我的人,让我有好的感觉的人。(100527Mnet Radio) 去过演唱会吗?:当然有 选眼镜的类型是:选了一个没有框的 不满意自己的哪个部位:鼻子 理由:因为低 喜欢的 科目:世界历史 不喜欢的科目:数学,创造数学的人一边去! 喜欢的国家:大韩民国 理由:自己的国家,怎麼著 最喜欢的时期:17岁时 最喜欢的岁数:28岁 想回去的时光:中学3年级 幼儿园,小学,初中,高中,大学中最想回去的是:小学 喜欢的花:满天星 喜欢的书:《刺鱼》,很悲 最好看的**:Matrix 有无手机:当然 最不喜欢的人:有是有,但能怎么办呢 喜欢什麼样的天气:晴朗的 最近关注的事情:iPod 最近看的电视剧:不看电视 最想成为:鱼,因为可以潜水到海洋深处 主持经历:韩国2009农心爱心分享演唱会主持人之一 担任SBS人气歌谣固定主持人(2009.7-2010.7) 2010年DREAM CONCERT 主持人之一 2010年家族诞生第二季固定成员 2010年KBS big star show 主持人 2011年DREAM CONCERT 主持人之一
《Hottest Time Of The Day》
唱片名称:--- Hottest Time Of The Day(1st Single Album) 歌手:----- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2008年08月29日
唱片类型:--- Dance Pop(韩国) 简 介: 单曲辑《Hottest Time Of The Day》的发表意味着组合2PM正式出道。2PM是韩国著名音乐人朴镇英最为看好的组合。2PM由7名成员组成,他们通过了层层选拔后才得以跻身2PM的队伍之中。极具音乐天赋的7人在经过了近乎残酷的培训后,不但唱功有了提高,舞技也有了长足的进步。他们究竟能否如朴镇英所言成为一支所向匹敌的组合呢?这就要看歌迷如何评判了。 专 辑 曲 目: 01. 10分满分10分(主打曲) 02. Only You 03. Angel 04. 10分满分10分(Old School ver.) 05. 10分满分10分(inst.) 06. Only You(inst.)
《Only You 》
唱片名称:--- Only You (Winter Special) 歌手:----- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2008年12月10日 唱片类型:--- Dance Pop(韩国) 专 辑 曲 目: 01.Only You (Winter Special)
《2:00PM Time For Change》
唱片名称:--- 2:00PM Time For Change(2nd Single Album) 歌手:----- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2009年04月16日 唱片类型:--- Dance Pop(韩国) 简 介: 2009年4月16日,2PM又为歌迷们送上了全新单曲辑《2:00PM Time For Change》。《2:00PM Time For Change》会让大家对2PM有更加深入的了解。如果说你只是知道2PM的存在,那么听过这张专辑后你一定会将2PM牢牢地记在心中,因为他们在这张专辑中的精彩表现定会令你印象深刻。 专 辑 曲 目 : 01.What Time Is It Now 02.Again & Again (主打曲) 03. 讨厌你(后续曲) 04. 说不定会回来 05.Again & Again (R&B Mix) 06.Again & Again (Inst.) 07.讨厌你(Inst.) 08.说不定会回来(Inst.)
唱片名称:--- 1:59pm 歌手: ——--- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2009年11月10日 唱片类型:--- Dance Pop(韩国) 简 介: 在队长宰范暂时离队后,2PM暂时以6人组合的形式于10日发行了首张正式专辑《1:59PM》。在2008年9月初到之后发行了2张迷你专辑,并以《满分10分的10分》、《Again & Again》、《讨厌你 》获得了大家的热烈好评。这次的专辑中总共收录了13首歌曲,包括之前迷你专辑中的歌曲和主打歌《Heartbeat》 等新歌。这次的主打歌《Heartbeat》是一首能够直击心脏的强烈节奏的歌曲,给人的印象非常深刻。其中《等得累了》也是一首中毒性很强的歌曲,其中的歌词更令歌迷们回忆起暂时离去的队长宰范,也是备受争议的一首歌。 专 辑 曲 目 : 01. My Heart 02. Heartbeat (主打曲) 03. 等得累了 04. 为你疯狂 05. Gimme The Light 06. Back 2U 07. All Night Long 08. Heartbeat(Red Light Mix) 09.10分满分的10 10. Only You (Acoustic Mix) 11. Again& Again 12. 讨厌你(Lounge Mix) 13. 不懂得回来(Bossa Nova Mix)
单 曲:《My Color》
唱片名称:--- My Color 歌手: ——--- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2009年12月03日 唱片类型:--- Dance Pop(韩国) 简 介: 2PM带着全新单曲《My Color》回到了歌迷的身边。歌名“My Color”所指的正是2PM所具有的独特个性。如歌名所示,这首由朴振英特为2PM全力打造的《My Color》将向歌迷全面展现2PM的魅力所在,2PM的歌迷们可千万不要错过这首《My Color》
单 曲:《My Love》
唱片名称:--- my love 歌手: ——--- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2009年12月07日 简 介: 金泰熙和2PM被选为了Paris Baguette(巴黎贝甜)广告的主角们.姐姐们的偶像2PM为了金泰熙而准备了圣诞节派对并共度幸福时间的概念。厂商特别制作了由2PM亲自演唱的‘Paris Baguette圣诞节蛋糕之歌’。
单 曲:《TikTok》
唱片名称:--- tik tok 歌手: --- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2010年01月12日 唱片类型:--- 流行(韩国) 简 介: 2PM通过这首新歌表达了希望能够和爱人堂堂正正的站在大家面前的心情,并且2PM也通过这首歌展现出了他们更加成熟的一面。《Tik Tok》还因为由尹恩惠参加了歌曲的和声而受到了大家的关注,尹恩惠的声音为这首歌曲增添了神秘感,使这首歌曲更加的充满了魅力。
单 曲:《Crazy4s》
唱片名称:--- Crazy4s 歌手: --- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2010年02月05日 唱片类型:--- 流行(韩国) 简 介: 韩国当红偶像团体2PM日前推出了新歌,5日在专属网站SPLIS上,公开了新歌《Crazy4s》和MV,结果因为太多网民访问观赏,导致网站服务器崩溃,引起了巨大的骚动。 歌曲《Crazy4s》是曾经创作过《等得累了》、《讨厌你》等歌曲的作曲家金灿德谱写的新曲。融入了“想要热烈守护只属于自己的风格”的想法,充满了跃动感的旋律让人印象深刻,被称赞作为一张原创专辑是不会比任何作品逊色的。
单 曲:《Open Happiness》
唱片名称:--- Open Happiness 歌手: --- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2010年02月13日 唱片类型:--- 流行(韩国) 简 介: 2PM亲自演唱的《Open Happiness》原本是全球著名音乐人和可口可乐公司去年共同发售的歌曲,此次根据2PM独有的特色重新编曲,因此倍受期待。制作这首歌的目的是让因经济萧条而疲惫不堪的人们感受到日常生活中的小小的幸福和快乐。 可口可乐公司就选择他们的原因称:“2PM代表着明朗、积极的形象,有朝气,充满活力,
单 曲:《Follow Your Soul 》
唱片名称:--- Follow Your Soul 歌手: --- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2010年02月22日 唱片类型:--- 流行(韩国) 简 介: 2PM最新OPPO MOBILE PHONE泰国广告歌曲。
《Don't stop ,Can't stop》
唱片名称:--- Don’t Stop Can’t Stop 歌手: --- 2PM 发行时间:--- 2010年04月23日 唱片类型:--- 流行(韩国) 专辑简介: 在粉丝们的千呼万唤中,2PM终于于14日上午公开了新专辑的中成员们的新造型。2PM的官网上公开的这张照片中,2PM六名成员全部都身穿黑色正装,从一条昏暗的小巷中走出来,周身散发着男性魅力。在黑暗的氛围中,似乎能听到6为成员缓缓走来的脚步声,空气中盘旋着悲壮的气息。 JYP所属公司的关系人表示,通过这首单曲,能让大家感受到2PM更加成熟的一面,希望大家能给我期待和关注。2PM每一次发行专辑都会给大家带来一些视觉上的冲击,带给歌谣界一些新的挑战,这次公开的这张照片就给予了粉丝们很大的期待感。 曲 目: 1- Don’t Stop Can’t Stop 2- Without U 3-4- ?5- Space
单 曲:《Cabi Song》
唱片名称:— — —Cabi Song 歌手:— — —2PM &少女时代 发行时间:— — —2010年5月20日 唱片类型:— — —Dance Pop(韩国) 专辑简介: 2PM &少女时代–2010年5月新广告(CF) ~ Carribean Bay [加勒比海主题乐园] 广告曲 [Cabi Song] 2PM成员泽演和少女时代成员允儿在‘Cabi Song’的MV中出演情侣引起关注。5月20日‘Cabi Song’完整版公开,MV中部分情节也公开。 曲目: 1-Cabi Song 单 曲:《Thank You》 唱片名称:——— Thank You 歌手:——— 2pm 发行时间:——— 2010年8月17日 唱片类型:——— 流行(韩国) 曲目: 1-Thank You
单曲:《Fly to Seoul -- Boom Boom Boom》
片名称:——— FLY to Seoul—Boom Boom Boom 歌手:——— 2pm 发行时间:——— 2010年8月23日 唱片类型:——— 流行(韩国) 曲目: 1-FLY to Seoul—Boom Boom Boom
Mini专辑《Still 2:00pm》
唱片名称:——— Still 2:00pm 歌手:——— 2pm 发行时间:——— 2010年10月 唱片类型:——— 流行(韩国) 曲目: 1- Still 2- I'll be back 3- 即使你离开我 4- I can't 5- I know 6- Dance2Night
Mini专辑《Take Off》
唱片名称:——— Still 2:00pm 歌手:——— 2pm 发行时间:——— 2010年10月 唱片类型:——— 流行(韩国) 唱片公司:アリオラジャパン 专辑简介:被日本4月新番动画《青之驱魔师》收录为ED 曲 目: 1-Take off 2-Heartbeat 3-Take off -TV size ver 4-Take off (without main vocal) 5-Heartbeat -Japanese ver.- (without main vocal) 6-Take off -TV size ver.- (without main vocal)
正规二辑《HANDS UP》
唱片名称:——— HANDS UP 歌手:——— 2pm 发行时间:——— 2011年6月 唱片类型:——— 流行(韩国) 简介: 韩国人气男团2PM推出第二张正规专辑「Hands Up」!专辑主打歌「Hands Up」是一首活泼明快又能叫人随之一起兴奋的CLUB舞曲,轻松的曲调非常符合夏日的气息,也很适合作为舞曲在俱乐部里播放。这首歌也使得2PM摆脱了之前一直演绎悲伤情歌,表现爱情中受苦男人的一贯印象。此外,专辑中的「Give It to Me」是由成员俊昊亲自填词谱曲创作的,歌曲充满了对恋人的依恋之情。而另外一首由俊秀作曲的「Hot」则表现出了对爱情直接、坦率的感觉。专辑中的这两首自创曲目也充分展现了2PM成员个性丰富的音乐才能。 曲目: 01. Hands UP 02. Electricity 03. Give It to Me 04. (像**一样) 05. ? (不知道吗) 06. Hot 07. Without U 08. I'll Be Back 09. I Can'T 10. Hands Up (East4A Mix) 11. Electricity (220v Remix) 12. Thank You 13. Don't Stop Can'T Stop
日语单曲:《I'm Your Man》
唱片名称:——— I'm Your Man 发行时间:——— 2011年8月17日 唱片类型:——— 流行(日本) 专 辑 曲 目: 1.I'm Your Man 2.Without U(Japanese Ver.) 3.I'm Your Man(Without Main Vocal) 4.Without U(Japanese Ver.)(Without Main Vocal)
Yes I'm In Love(with Bada) 我耳边的糖果(with 白智英) My valentine (with 朴振英) Dream high (with 张佑荣 金秀炫 含恩静 裴秀智)
2007 无法阻挡的highkick(搞笑一家人)第167集(客串) 2010KBS《灰姑娘的姐姐》 饰 韩正佑
《灰姑娘的姐姐》剧照(20张)合作演员:文根英 千正明 瑞雨 2011KBS《dream high》 饰 振国 合作演员:金秀炫 张佑荣 裴秀智含恩静 IU(李智恩)JOO(郑敏珠) 日本富士电视台 《BOSS2》CASE6(2PM客串) 日本富士电视台 《我和明星的99日》 饰 泰成 合作演员:金泰熙 西岛秀俊
Hanami虾条广告 Elite Tuning Style 校服 著名品牌 EXR 布朗尼巧克力 三星Corby phone ParisBaguette (巴黎贝甜with金泰熙) 可口可乐(新产品“迷你可乐”) SPRIS 著名品牌衣装 CASS啤酒广告(Nichkhun、泽演、佑荣、峻秀with尹恩惠,俊昊和灿成因未成年,不能拍酒类广告) PONY(波尼)著名休闲运动品牌 KISS ME MUG 下午茶咖啡杯 MINI POLAROID 迷你宝来相片 MOBILE SKIN 手机皮肤 OPPO mobile phone泰国区代言 CK 国际品牌服饰代言 韩佛公司旗下品牌It's Skin Dynamic Kin 饮料,可口可乐公司旗下品牌(玉泽演) 加勒比海乐园(with少女时代) 信用卡广告CJ ONE(玉泽演) 三星ANYCALL(九月最新) nepa (户外运动服装)2pm REOROM Cologne 香水 可口可乐(2PM第二年代言) look opcital(眼镜广告)(with T-ara) 泰国香水品牌《Eversense》 Coca Cola Zero(Nickhun 泽演) 乐天免税商店2011 LG U 电信服务代言 加勒比海乐园(with f(x)Victoria、2pm第二年代言) EVISU服饰(泽演 佑荣) Mr. Pizza
2009年9月起与河妍朱、佑荣一起担任人气歌谣主持人。 千万别小看性格活泼好动的泽演喔,他的实战经验可是相当丰富的。 他的个子在队中是最高的,出道前还做过模特。 泽演在舞台上霸气十足,台下却是一个拥有纯良眼神的小猫崽,私下爱撒娇。 还未出道就已经与同门师姐Wonder Girls合拍了一支雪糕CF,早就被观众记在心里! 但他最大的特点似乎有点不适合娱乐业,泽演能用一句话将火热的气氛down到谷底. 犹如一股强劲的“寒流”! 泽演的愿望是能够凭自己的实力开一家咖啡厅,连自己未来的“后路”都能提前规划, 不得不说这个孩子相当有生意头脑!可他有相当程度的王子病, ^^ 泽演患有只要他不喜欢的东西,他会让它们统统去见鬼 不喜欢的东西?例如他的数学成绩 泽演的理想型女孩要自己做得很好,又能照顾我的人,让我有好的感觉的人。(100527Mnet Radio) 与白智英一起合拍MV 合唱, [我耳边的糖果] 2010年成为家族诞生2的固定演出者(其中有金媛熙,尹相铉,金希澈,林允儿,赵权,申风善,池尚烈) 玉珠贤:“我很喜欢2pm,最喜欢泽演。” 姜敏京(Davichi成员):12月12日播出的《Star Golden Bell》(又名:《明星金钟》)中被问到 有没有因为看到男人的身体而激动过,姜敏京回答说有过,并说那个人就是2PM 的泽演。姜敏京诚实告白 “看到泽演脱上衣的帅气模样心动了。” 朱妍(Afterschool成员):认为泽演在脱上衣时最为帅气。 裴斗娜:在KBS 2TV播出的“Happy together3”节目中,裴斗娜选择了2PM的泽演为自己的理想型。 金炳世(资深演员):在《Star Golden Bell》(又名:《明星金钟》)中,金炳世说道:“当然我喜欢偶像女星,不过最近让我特别注意的是2PM的泽演,他的身材太好了。”还说道“我喜欢健身,所以我知道要练到他的样子很难,所以我很羡慕。” 具荷拉(Kara成员):具荷拉公开心目中最崇拜的偶像第三名是2AM的赵权,第二名是2PM的俊昊,而第一名则是2PM的野兽男泽演。 黄仁英(鹤腿美女): 在强心脏节目中公开称“理想型是玉泽演,在做撕泽演的时候心脏都要停止 了,差点进到电视里去”。 泰妍(少女时代成员):在《乘风破浪》节目上说:“2PM中最喜欢的成员是泽演。” 李多海:在《乘风破浪》节目上,李多海毫不犹豫的说,“真的很喜欢2PM,更自封为2PM的饭。” 还说道,“2PM中最喜欢的是Nichkhun,第二喜欢的是泽演。”想要热烈守护只属于自己的风格”的想法,充满了跃动感的旋律让人印象深刻,被称赞作为一张原创专辑是不会比任何作品逊色的。
《热血男儿》 EP01-EP10 《一周的恋人》090618 —090624 《It's Time》EP03 (090610)
《Star King》(081004)(081220)(081227)(090425)(090502)(090509)(090606) (090613)(090620)(090704) 《美好的早晨》(091221) 《金正恩的巧克力》(090627)(090815)(091219)(100313)(100529)(101114) 《强心脏》(100209)(100216)(110726) 《人气歌谣》MC:泽演、佑荣(090726第E541期-100711第E580期) 《家族诞生-第2期》 固定出演:泽演(100221第E01期开始) 《哈哈梦show》(100815)全体(到宿舍叫醒崽子们) 《每天每夜》(110411)泽演 佑荣 瑟雍 《running man》(110424)泽演 nichkhun 《甜蜜的故乡》 (110701) 泽演 佑荣 《2pm show》全体,2pm自己的节目(从110709开始)
《明星金钟》(081004)(090516)(090704)(090815) 《我有叔叔了》(090704) 《想象PLUS》(090901) 《香槟酒》(090905)(090912) 《柳希烈的写生簿》(090918)(100212) 《乘风破浪》EP03(100216)EP04(100223)(100622) 《青春不败》(100827) 《Big Star Dance Grand Prix》 100923 中秋特辑MC 《Oh my school》(101030) 《Happy Together》(100325)(100402) 灰姑娘特辑 (101104) 《星期六的自由宣言》(110813) (110820) mbc 《无法阻挡地high kick》 167集客串“灿成与孩子们”组合成员 《偶像军团红了!她》第二季 EP03(081030 )、EP04(081108) 《偶像军团 红了!她》第三季 EP01(081204)—EP17(090326)2PM 《现在是花美男时代》(090602)(090609) 《第六感对决》(100620) 《无限girls》 第二季(100806) 《Idol Star 田径大会》(100925 100926 中秋特辑) 《演艺家中介》(110122)(110625)
bigbang 英文专辑的所有歌词?
CITY: Pucallpa
AGE: 20
CREW: La Combinación Perfecta
MOTTO:“Improving your own style is more important than learning new moves!”
TITLES: 2001 - 1st place: Batolocos, Argentina
2002 - 1st place: Sudaca, Chile
2005 - 1st place: Breaking contest organized by Peruvian TV program “Camino a la Fama” (ATV)
2006 - 1st place: Breaking contest organized by Peruvian TV program “?Qué Buena Onda!” (Ok TV)
2006 - 3rd place: Denate Crazy, Peru
2006 - 1st place: Rapealo.com, Peru
2006 - 1st place: Debate battle, Peru
INFO: Alex is one of the best b-boys from South America. He started dancing at the age of 15. Alex says that b-boying made him strong and gave him lifetime experiences and also allowed him to travel many South American countries such as Chile and Ecuador.
OTHER INTERESTS: Music, kart racing and his little brothers
CITY: Baksan City
RESIDENCE: Baksan City
AGE: 20
CREW: Predatorz
MOTTO:Battle to win!
TITLES: 2004 - 1st place: Battle of the Year Russia
2006 - 1st place: All Zeros Battle
2006 - 2nd place: Battle of the Year Russia
INFO: Member of the famous Russian newcomer crew “Predatorz”. One of the top b-boys of Eastern Europe, winner of the “All Zeros 2006” One-on-One battle. His style is a perfect mix of power moves, toprockings and nice footwork.
OTHER INTERESTS: Computers & phones, free-style wrestling
crazy monkey
CITY: Besan?on
AGE: 22
CREW: Phase T & Figure 2 Style
MOTTO:“The real battle in Hip Hop is the fight for love, peace, and unity!”
TITLES: 2004 - 2nd place: Chelles, Pro Battle, France
2005 - 1st place: Battle of the Year France
2005 - 1st place: B-Boy Unit, Korea
2005 - participation: IBE, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2005 - 4th place: Battle of the Year International, Germany
INFO: Active member of the French crew “Phase T.”. Being a very tall guy Crazy Monkey?s stage presence is very impressive. His dance style is very aggressive but positive at the same time. With his crew “Phase T.” he won the French Battle of the Year in 2005 and became fourth at the Battle of the Year World Finals.
OTHER INTERESTS: Capoeira, Basketball
OTHER PROFESSION: Student, giving workshops
CITY: North Hollywood
RESIDENCE: North Hollywood
AGE: 23
CREW: Battle Monkeys & Super Crew
MOTTO:Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not a B-Boy. If you put your heart and soul into it then no one can tell you you’re not a B-Boy. Dance for yourself, reach for your goals, life is short and you only live once!
TITLES: 2002 - 1st place: Freestyle Session Japan
2003 - 1st place: Star Search – TV Show, USA
2004 - 1st place: Star Search – TV Show, USA
2004 - 1st place: Star Search – TV Show (second season 2004)
2004 - participation: Freestyle Session Japan
2004 - participation: Freestyle Session USA
2005 - 1st place: Battle of the Year USA
2005 - participation: Battle of the Year International, Germany
INFO: Probably the world’s most entertaining b-boy. He won the US American Star Search Final in the year 2003. His stage presence is amazing and his battle skills are incredible.
OTHER INTERESTS: Dancing, singing, film making, drawing
WEB SITE: /doknock
hong 10
COUNTRY: Coréia do Sul
CITY: Seul
AGE: 21
CREW: Drifters & Project Soul
MOTTO:Always be the best that I can—no slacking!
TITLES: 2003 - 1st place: B-Boy Master Mixed Battle Vol.3
2003 - 1st place: France Hip Hop Planet
2003 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championships, Crew Battle, London
2003 - 1st place: Pro-Am Euro, France
2004 - 1st place: B-Boy UNIT Vol.6. Korea
2004 - 1st place: B-Boy Challenge Vol.4
2004 - 2nd place: UK B-Boy Championships, Solo Battle, London
2004 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championships, Crew Battle, London
2004 - 1st place: Freestyle Session Korea
2004 - 1st place: B-Boy Challenge Grand Championship
2005 - 1st place: K.O.B.E Battle, Japan
2005 - 1st place: FIFA Hip Hop World Challenge 1on1 Battle
2005 - 2nd place: UK B-Boy Championships, Solo Battle, London
2005 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championships, Crew Battle, London
2005 - 2nd place: RED BULL BC ONE, Berlin, Germany
INFO: Worldwide top b-boy for many years. Former member of famous Korean crew “Expression”. His style is extremely complicated and very clean.
OTHER INTERESTS: Photography, snowboarding, wakeboarding, reading
COUNTRY: ?frica do Sul
CITY: Cidade do Cabo
AGE: 17
CREW: Ubuntu
MOTTO:Stay focused in what you do and never give up. Follow your dreams and just do it! Everything is possible!
TITLES: 2000 - Best B-Boy: Battle of the Year, South Africa
2001 - Best B-Boy: Battle of the Year, South Africa
2002 - 1st place: B-Boy Competition, solo battle, Alex Groll Cup, Cape Town
2003 - 1st place: B-Boy Competition, solo battle, Alex Groll Cup, Cape Town
2005 - Best B-Boy: Battle of the Year, Cape Town, South Africa
2005 - 1st place: B-Boy Competition, solo battle, Alex Groll Cup, Cape Town
2006 - 1st place: B-Boy World Cup, solo battle, France
INFO: Jed was born 1988 and first started dancing in 1999. In his country South Africa Jed belongs to the top 3 b-boys.
OTHER INTERESTS: B-Boying, music, Hip Hop culture
CITY: Nishinomiya
AGE: 20
CREW: Mortal Combat
MOTTO:Be creative and don’t let anybody stop you from doing what you want to do. Keep the faith in yourself. Give all you have and never stop learning! Try to be the best! It’s a long way to go, but never give up! Then we can keep this culture alive.
TITLES: 2004 - 1st place: Battle of the Year, Japan
2004 - Participation: Battle of the Year, International
2005 - Participation: UK B-Boy Championships
2006 - 1st place: Battle of the Year, Japan
INFO: Started b-boying at age 15, then became a member of the crews “Mortal Combat” and “Cube” at age 16. “Mortal Combat” represented Japan at BOTY 2004 International. His special move is “Headspin to 2000” and it could well be something “nobody has ever seen before”...
OTHER INTERESTS: Breaking and Breaking only!
OTHER PROFESSION: Daytime job—B-Boy shows at Universal Studios Japan
lil ceng
COUNTRY: Alemanha
CITY: Saarbrücken
RESIDENCE: Saarbrücken
AGE: 15
CREW: Style Crax & Kingsize Crew
MOTTO:Believe in what you do and have fun doing it!
TITLES: 2004 - 1st place: Freestyle Session, Germany
2005 - 1st place: Powermove Battle, IBE, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2005 - Participation: All Battles All, IBE, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2005 - 1st place: Battle of the Year Germany
2005 - Participation: Battle of the Year, International, Germany
2006 - Participation: UK B-Boy Championships, London, UK
INFO: Being only 14 years old Lil Ceng is known as one of the big newcomers of the b-boy scene on an international stage. He is specialized in “Power Moves”, his biggest success so far was winning first place at the of the “Power Move Battle” at the IBE 2005 in Rotterdam.
OTHER INTERESTS: Sports, dancing
CITY: Lyon
AGE: 22
CREW: Pockémon
MOTTO:We are all different, unique, so don’t be a stereotype. If you dance with the capacity of your body and work hard, you can become perfect in your own way!
TITLES: 2003 - 1st place: Battle of the Year France
2003 - 1st place: Battle of the Year International, Germany
2004 - 1st place: Freestyle Session Europe
2005 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championship, BEST SINGLE DANCER
2005 - 1st place: Freestyle Session Korea
2005 - 1st place: Red Bull BC ONE, Berlin, Germany
2006 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championship, Crew Battle, London
INFO: Definitely one of the top dancers of the world. Has a very special, unique dance style plus a very good character on stage. Combines the new so-called “flexible moves” style perfectly with “classical” foot work and power moves.
COUNTRY: Inglaterra
CITY: City of Pasig
RESIDENCE: Manchester
AGE: 27
CREW: Soul Mavericks
MOTTO:Stay positive, train hard! You can achieve whatever you want!
TITLES: 2005 - 2nd place: Hip Hop World Challenge, Leipzig, Germany
2005 - participation: Red Bull Beat Battle participation, London
2005 - participation: UK B-Boy Championships, solo & crew battle, London
2005 - 1st place: Urban Games B-Boy Battle, London
2006 - 1st place: Urban Games B-Boy Battle, London
2006 - 1st place: "Take It Personal" 1 on1 batte, Tauko Jam, Helsinki, Finland
2006 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championships solo battle, London, England
INFO: Very talented b-boy from the UK from Manchester with Philippine background. Together with his crew “Soul Mavericks” he participated at many international battles such as “UK b-boy Championships” or the “Red Bull Beat Battle”.
OTHER INTERESTS: Music, acting, skateboarding, kickboxing, traveling
OTHER PROFESSION: Professional dancer, actor, choreographer, and breaking teacher at a community center
CITY: Planaltina
AGE: 17
CREW: DF Zulu Breakers
MOTTO:Stay modest! Then it doesn’t matter if you’re at the top or at the bottom—you will always have friends supporting you!
TITLES: 2000 - 2nd place: Solo battle CINB, Brazil,
2001 - 1st place: Teatro Nacional, Brazil
2003 - participation: Best B-Boy: Passos de Artes Santos, Brazil
2004 - Best B-Boy: Batalha 3vs3, Brazil
2005 - 1st place: Batalha Brasil, Brazil
2006 - 1st place: Prelims Red Bull BC One, Brazil
INFO: Muxibinha’s real name is Jorge Andre. He first started dancing at the age of 9. Got his first title when he turned 11 and know at the age of 17 with a style of his own and a good performance he managed to qualify for the 16th position at the RB BC One. Now, he will have the opportunity to compete with the best dancers in the world. Muximbinha surprises all with his very keen sensitivity to music and his ability to interpret songs as he dances.
OTHER INTERESTS: Becoming a successful professional Dancer
OTHER PROFESSION: Teaching breaking classes
CITY: S?o José do Rio Preto
RESIDENCE: S?o José do Rio Preto
AGE: 24
CREW: no crew
MOTTO:I am a B-Boy with attitude! I leave nothing behind or unresolved
TITLES: 2000 - 1st place: King of the Circle, 2 on 2 battle, Sorocaba, Brazil
2001 - 1st place: Bienal do Livro, solo battle, S?o Paulo, Brazil
2003 - 3rd place: Passo de Arte, 2 on 2 battle, Santos, Brazil
2004 - 1st place: UBI Crew Anniversary Party, 3 on 3 battle
2004 - 1st place: Hutus Hip Hop Festival, 3 on 3 battle
2005 - 1st place: Caieiras Festival, 5 on 5 battle, Brazil
2005 - 4th place: Hip Hop World Challenge, Leipzig, Germany
2005 - 4th place: Red Bull BC ONE 2005, Berlin, Germany
INFO: Pelezinho from S?o José do Rio Preto was one of the big surprises of last year’s competition. Out of South America for the first time, he straight away won fourth place at the Red Bull BC ONE 2005. His style is very acrobatic and powerful.
OTHER INTERESTS: Breaking, learning, dancing, rocking the house
CITY: Guam
AGE: 24
CREW: Full Force & Super Crew
MOTTO:Dance from the heart. It will show in a battle and it can definitely outshine your opponent when you have more charisma. Represent to the fullest extent and don't forget where you came from
TITLES: 2003 - 1st place: Seven To Smoke, IBE, Rotterdam, Holland
2004 - 1st place: King of The Hill, Portland, USA
2004 - 1st place: Battle Pro, Chelles, France
2004 - 2nd place: World B-Boy Championships, London, England
2004 - 2nd place: Red Bull BC ONE, Zurich, Switzerland
2005 - 3rd place: Red Bull BC ONE, Berlin, Germany
2006 - 1st place: Red Bull Break-In, Ireland
INFO: Dancing for more than 10 years Ronnie belongs to the top dancers from the USA. His dance style is always very clean and difficult. As a dancer he is representing two crews: “Full Force” and “Super Crew”.
OTHER PROFESSION: I like to sleep…
CITY: Guadalajara
RESIDENCE: San Francisco
AGE: 24
CREW: Renegades
MOTTO:Let’s keep B-Boying going! We are the future of this dance so let’s pass it on to the next generation!
TITLES: 2004 - 1st place: B-Boy Masters Pro Am, Toulouse, FRANCE
2004 - 1st place: A New Hope San Jose, USA
2005 - 1st place: UK B-Boy Championships, Solo Competition, London
2005 - 1st place: King of the Hill, Portland, USA
2005 - 1st place: Freestylesession 7, Los Angeles, USA
2006 - 1st place: Outbreak 3, Fort Luaderdale, USA
2006 - 1st place: King of the Hill, Portland, USA
2006 - 1st place: B1 Championships, Osaka, Japan
INFO: Definitely the “hottest” dancer of the year 2005. From the new generation of the legendary US American crew “Renegades” from San Francisco. In 2005 Roxrite won many important One-on-One battles.
OTHER INTERESTS: Video editing, Sports (football, soccer, basketball)
WEB SITE: /roxrite
COUNTRY: Venezuela
CITY: Maracay
AGE: 21
CREW: Flying Legs
MOTTO:Represent! Be tight! It doesn’t matter where you’re from—always give 100%!
TITLES: 2006 - 2nd place: After Party Solo, Chelles Battle Pro, France
2006 - 1st place: Crew Battle, Legiteam Day, France
INFO: Coming from one of the strongest South American b-boy countries, Venezuela, with his crew “F.L.”, Salo was one of the first South American b-boys participating at famous European b-boy battles such as the “Chelles Pro Battle”. His style is based on power moves.
OTHER INTERESTS: To promote Venezuelan B-Boying around the world!
WEB SITE: plete new level. As solo dancer he has participated and won in almost every important b-boy battle in the last 2 years.
Big Bang
B to the I to the G
B to the A-N-G... let's do it
so get them hands up high
we gon' get'cha funkdafied
c'mon everybody let's all get down
it's the t-o-p i be the baddest around 'n
suckas don't wanna come test my poundin
i see'em holin' they chest fall
n the ground 'n
drownin' see they weren't original
i got it like that and everybody know
that when i rock the mic my super duper flows
come hittin' left to right whatever way
it goes it's whoa freezin yall like zero below
i be'zin total control fa sheez
i'm more than you know yo
i hits that 1 2 3 and 4 ya best believe
it's comin' straight outta seoul
[gd] yo yo yo they sayin
this 'n that so pitiful
i bring a fist and a smack
that's real lethal and oh no
you be runnin for your dear life man
how ya like me now i'm livin real tight man
don'chu wish you had the honeys like mine man
i saw you peepin steady creepin it was triflin
i grab the mic 'n, and now you frighten
gd gon' get it till the day there aint no life 'n
[hook] B to the I to the G
B to the A-N-G... let's do it
so get them hands up high
we gon' get'cha funkdafied
B to the I to the G
B to the A-N-G... let's do it
so get them hands up high
we gon' get this party started right
[vrs2] yo, my baby, she told me
that i was her one and only
she's no phony, she's my roni
and she would always like to ride my pony
(are you all in love?) that's right no balony
(are you pushin up?) that's right no balony
word homie, she's all for me
that's how we kick it that's the end of story
my baby told me it gets real tonight
'n i'm so excited gonna do
it right what i wanna do
what i'm gonna do
aint no thang, to my game
we'll be doin the do
it's just me and my baby
[hook] *repeat
[vrs3] yo we got'em on throw
putin' they hands up in the air and sayin ho
fillin the club back to back like oh, my, god oh my oh
these honeys lookin flya than
i ever did know / they all know
the big to the bang do they thang it's all pro
and everythang aint a thang we rock yo
so just let it go and get into our swang baby
How Gee
one for the money, two for the show
we got the party peolple screamin' out...(hey - ho)
let's go!
[vrs1_top] on and on into the breaka-dawn
i got a mic and i just can't leave it alone i be the - t.o.p. aiite!
i represent the big bang big thangs feel me i bring'em like
down and dirty you heard me it's straight whoa!
people gotta have it they really won't let go, huh
yo, i got it full control
indeed i'm ridin' high no need to lay low
[gd] i'm psyked i'm rippin' the show
[rap] tight like kick in the doe
that's right baby zero below you know the
gd got ya city throwin'em up
it's oh so - ficky ficky fresh! i give you nuttin' less
and if you aint known by now i be the best
ladi dadi we came to party yes yes
and while ya freakin' ya shawty let's just...
[hook] ahhhhhhhh big gon' raise the roof yall
so you know what to do yall
just keep on rockin'em
ahhhhhhhh big gon' raise the roof yall
just keep on rockin'em
[vrs2_top] damn yo'm killin' the flow got
it pack wall to wall doe to doe that's,
quite incredible i know and everybody in the place be tipsy
amazin' what this be we blazin' it crispy
ya honey wanna get down with this
i make her bounce to this
every ounce of this i shit'chu not
and it's the shit'chu not you know i hits the spot
[gd] yeah, i wear my sunglasses at night
still 20-20 suckas walkin' around talkin'
all'at balony damn homie you phony!
be on about'cha biz what it is you aint got
nuttin' fo mebeen an mc since my first sonyrock
many and plenty they wanna know mei'm 50
karots you a cubic zakoni fall back let my
people react, we in the zone yeah!
[hook] *repeat
[bridge_yb] all yall get'cha hands up clap now
we gonna shake and tear the house down
i know you wanna do this right now
you gotta get up and move it all around
love the way the kick drum plays now
i feel it in my heart that's it now
i think i'm gonna count it off now...
[vrs3_top] yeah, fire in the hole it's a new
load'm killin'em slow make'em learn about the t.o.p
and how the story go
it's not nice - not pretty
ya hear a crack when i'm full contact
i'm crushin' down many
[gd] yeah, uh, straight comin' from
the back shootin' henny
people be gettin' wild just kickin' and rippin'em out
you know it's what it's all about when you move a crowd
just raise the roof, now!
[hook] *repeat
() ?
? ??
? ?
i'll be right there
[hook] i'm so sorry girl i love you i just can't lie
oh i was so wrong i can't live without'cha
(please listen to me!)
i'm so sorry girl i love you now i realize
shoulda never let'cha go away
cuz now my life don't seem right
i'm so sorry girl i love you i just can't lie
i'm so sorry... girl i love you...
i'm so sorry girl i love you now i see my...
thinkin' was all a big mistake
it makes me cry to this day
[verse2] ?
( )
? ?
(? ? )
?[hook] * repeat / [bridge]
tell me it's all in my head
i try with every single beat of my heart
no matter what my mind recalls
i see your face 'n i know, that'chu
will always be there
just wanna know how ya doin' these days
didn't mean, to cause you any pain
i'm so deeply sorry
[hook] * repeat
So Beautiful
i've been searchin' for my baby
the one to come and save me
and this you know, she is so beautiful
aint never act stuck up or shady
one hundred percent all lady
and this you know, she is so beautiful - yo yo
[vrs1] baby are you all for me
baby my heart is need
of a love wanting, to cherish the soul
everyday thinkin' so deep
everynight turnin' in heat
it is why all this here is happening to me, yeah
all the love i can give
all the days we can live
always and forever now
all the love i can give
all the days we can live
always and forever now
[hook] *repeat / [vrs2]
baby now you hold the ke
to my heart baby you see
i don't want no uh tha let it be known
it's how it always will be
this love will set us free
and i can't believe this is happening to me
all the love i can give
all the days we can live
always and forever now
all the love i can give
all the days we can live
always and forever now
[hook] *repeat / [rap_top]
yo, yo hit'em witha high, hit'em witha low
hit'em witha every wicha way that it may go yo
baby got the beauty stayin' or to go yo
when she shake her booty get up out the way yo
i'm oh so serio, really doe, silly
bro, neva know, see it in a video
t.o.p got crazy doe, blazin flow, phase me no
they be never hearin'what i'm sayin' doe
[gd]i know i know, G got the glow
straight up phenomenon why becuz i said so
shock the world when GD put the let go
rock the girls and let'em hear the real flows
bangin' and i'm ringin'em high(that's the shit)
straight flamin' and i'm blazin'em right (the real shit)
aint no fakin'we be makin'it tight now's the time
to get up baby shake it all night!
all the love i can give
all the days we can live
always and forever now
all the love i can give
all the days we can live
always and forever now
[hook] *repeat
La La La
[intro] i, i , i, i like the real shit
you, you, you, you like the real shit?
i, i , i, i like the real shit
me and my crew can only
bust with the real shit
we, we, we, we like the real shit
you, you, you, you like the real shit
all my peeps they like the real shit
me and my crew can only
bust with the real shit
[vrs1] rock many styles and never foulin'
all together we are one no doubt and
if your feelin' uncomfortable,
you can exit where you
entered baby that's for sure
so many wild so many browsin'
there's no better baby that's no doubt and
if you wanna come and rock a show
you can meet me in the center yo
[hook] lalala, everybody get'em high
it's the big to the bang that's why
and we won't stop-movin' movin' lalala
everybody get'em high
it's the big to the bang on the rise
and we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'
[vrs2] closely, baby was doin' her thang to me
and i was feelin' really quite lovely
i can't let anyone get in the way
she told me i was all the man she ever needs
aint no one gonna take her love from me
and i believed everything that she said
she told me everything was gonna be fine
now i'm here and damn near
'bout to lose my mind
[hook] *repeat / [rap]
yo, i said move it (move it!)
move it (movie it!)
we got it going on and we aint gotta prove it
all you gotta do is get on up and hop into it
the T-O-P is rockin' never
stoppin' always down to do it
do it do it, i know wanna
just move it around give it a pound
now tell me what'cha gonna do with it
we be's the big bang (big bang!) up in here!
[bridge] she told me everything
was gonna be fine
now i'm here, yes i'm here, tell me why
[hook] * repeat 2x
Together Forever
baby girl you're all that i'm thinkin of
you put this feelin inside of me
it says you are the one
yeah the only one
i couldn't help myself but put it in words
you are the sunshine in my life girl
and you know, i'd say it over again
nothin' could ever tear us apart
lemme tell you babe
[chorus] all of my life i've been
searchin for that one
and now that you've come to me
i don't have to run chasin' all the girls
while i'm hangin' with my crew
now it's all about just me and my boo
everyday 'n everynight it just goes on
that's how much love i have for you girl
i'm so sprung / baby this was
meant to be it's such a blessin'
cuz we will be together, forever
[vrs2] as i look above
thankful for your love
two thirty you will be callin' me
when i pick you up we'll go to the park
ain't nothin better than being with you girl
you are the sunshine in my life girl
and you know, i'd say it over again
nothin could ever tear us apart
let me tell you babe
[chorus] repeat / [bridge]
bein' inside of you is so heaven in my heart
the way you say my name i know
you feel the same girl you are my one
and the only one
that's why you're my baby
and this is what i have to say...
[rap] yo, listen, love you down in everyway
it doesn't matter baby everyday
from the bottom to the top have it'cho way
it's all about the way you feel baby
i wanna make it like extacy
to where you're sayin' my name softly
and we can take it down south baby any
freakin' route as long as you and
i can be as one, hey you know
i do it all for you you're my boo that's
true wanna let the world know you're my baby
got a lotta love comin' from above and
i thank him everyday it's the t-o-p
i don't wanna be without your love
through the push 'n shove you're all
i ever wanna be thinkin' of
[chorus] *repeat
that first time we layed eyes
lookin' over 'n over again
(talkin' no matter how late 'n - laffin'
away and away 'n)
was so on a natural high
felt like you always been my best friend
(so happy everyday 'n - nothin' can tear us away 'n)
you always had a glow
on your face so, you had to be mine...
yeah yeah yeah
everyplace we would go, holding hands
yo, i knew you were mine
that's why you gotta know girl
[hook] always you should know you're my honey
always you are on my mind
always you can call on me any
'o day or night... oh yeah
no way i be shady or frontin'
no way that aint even my style
what i'm sayin is always
and forever be you and i...
[vrs2] for the first time in my life
feelin' all the love deep within
(aint never felt so amazin
hits me in so many ways 'n)
for sure i, would never get by
i need you by my side thick 'n thin...
(you lovin' me is like heaven
don't wanna let you go never)
you always had a glow, on your face so
you had to be mine... yeah yeah yeah
everyplace we would go, holding hands yo
i knew you were mine...
that's why you gotta know always girl yeah...
[hook] *repeat
[rap] baby always count'em 365
all days pound'em can i get a witness
every ounce of my love heavy wit this
girl we fit just like a glove you my misses
and we got it like that know each other like that
definitely got each others back
and that's fact (cuz you are my love)
and that's that (my one and only love)
yo, she makes my heartbeat skip 'n
everyday and everynight straight trippin
lovin' so wild wild i'll say it real loud loud
i'll walk hundred miles miles to
keep her no doubt doubt
her eyes her hair her lips 'n
baby keepin' my body ripped 'n
lovin' her style style it steady be
wild wild and i'm gonna love her always
[hook] *repeat
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